Syed Khawar Ali Shah

Syed Khawar Ali Shah

Software Engineer, Finland ·

I’m an iOS Developer with an insatiable appetite for learning and writing clean code all aiming to create an amazing user experience. I’ve always had a strong curiosity for how things work. I naturally gravitate towards great design and I aim to combine intuitive functionality with a beautiful and fluid user interface.

I'm open to new and great opportunities where I can continue to learn, contribute meaningfully, and foster growth.


Software Engineer

Software Engineer at Dream Broker, Responsibilities include iOS application development and updates. Working on developing an iOS communication application Dream Broker #One.

October 2022 - Present

Software Engineer

Software Engineer at BrainX Technologies, Responsibilities include iOS application development and updates. Working on developing and updating the iOS Apps. Recently I have been working on a tracking application of Zytrack iOS app. Developed private swift package & cocoapods FeedbackSDK for feedback collection. Updated multiple applications likes, a BlueTooth application "Go Power", a social application "The Ding", a call application "talkCode", and an app "Rate your leader". Also developed an event application "OWC Events".

February 2021 - July 2022

Sr. iOS Developer

Developed an iOS application with 100+ screens for with features like sign up/login, live streaming, live chat, videos playback, payment integration, push notifications and many more.

September 2020 - January 2021

Software Engineer

Worked on iOS application development for clients and in-house projects. Responsibilities include contributing to the app design and storyboarding process, overseeing the app development and updates, and publishing the app to the marketplace.

July 2016 - August 2020

Chief Technology Officer

Started a startup focused on home automation. The system controls and communicates with home appliances through both a mobile application and a remote controller. Successfully deployed our system at multiple places.

August 2015 – August 2017



Dream Broker #One

working on an iOS application with Swift UIKit. The application is responsible for secure and reliable communication. Integrated WebRTC, Push Notifications, Live Chat, and many more.

‍Things I learned:
  • WebRTC
  • Object mapping from API(JSON to model) using ObjectMapper
  • Side menu using a library SideMenu
available on Apple store


Good digital strategies decide which companies remain relevant. In fact, no company can escape digitization anymore. Thanks to Zytrack, even routine work can be digitized, leaving employees more time for meaningful activities. Digital time recording as well as payroll accounting and invoicing to end customers form one of these areas - and offer a multitude of advantages that you will definitely not want to do without.


‍Things I learned:
  • Object mapping from API(JSON to model) using ObjectMapper
  • Side menu using a library SideMenu
  • To loading images from url using SDWebImage
  • Custom view componenets for multiple usage, extension for native class/views
available on Apple store

Go Power

Go Power deals in a variety of solar controllers, e.g MPPT controller series, RVC and Lithium battery controllers. Mobile application is used for mobile connectivity and displaying data of these controllers. Application could track all the stats related to the controllers and display them right on the mobile screens. These stats included Current Production, Voltage, Battery Health and other related data.

These controllers used Bluetooth to communicate with the phone, I used Bluetooth 5.0 for better connectivity – making the app even more supportive. More so, this integration of Bluetooth was done by keeping the latest BLE communication protocols in mind. Apart from that, Firmware updated for these controller devices can be done mobile application to keep them consistent with future changes in the protocols.


‍Things I learned:
  • CoreBluetooth
  • data communication with external devices with BlueTooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Tab view using a library XLPagerTabStrip
  • Learn how to create custom collapsiable Views
available on Apple store

Feedback SDK

Developed a private swift package and CocoaPod to collect feedback in 4 different ways from users. It supports feedback in textual, audio, video, and selfie/picture form. SDK can be added to any iOS application just like any other package or CocoaPods. With just one line your app will be able to collect feedback from users.


‍Things I learned:
  • CoreBluetooth
  • data communication with external devices with BlueTooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Tab view using a library XLPagerTabStrip
  • Learn how to create custom collapsiable Views

Xstream Gym App

This app represents perhaps the ultimate in-pocket personal trainer. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, tone your thighs, lift more weights, or become a faster runner. The application will help you with thousands of free workouts VIDEOS coached by real-life personal trainers. This app has all the tools you need to get fit—a massive library of instructional training videos, live streaming personal trainers, fitness routine planning, and tracking tools that help you target your workouts and keep easy track of your progress. They’ll walk you through each exercise with timed step-by-step audio, photo, and video, with—bonus—offers.


‍Things I learned:


Developed an iOS application for a number of person count in the room. The application can live stream video from the live cam. Fetches JSON data and creates a live graph and tables for multiple room/labs. Receives push notification in case of an increase of person count from a certain threshold.


‍Things I learned:
  • Graphs using Macaw
  • Live Streaming using MobileVLCKit
  • Custom UICollectionView for Table view
  • UserDefaults to store user settings
  • Better acquainted with Code UI creation & Auto-Layout

Tower Surveillance

Design and developed tower surveillance application to monitor tower security. User will receive the push notification in case of any breach. Push notifications are generated using firebase and Apple push notification service. Used JSON serialization ( swiftyjson ) to populate the views.


‍Things I learned:
  • JSON serialization using swiftyjson
  • API calls and response using Alamofire
  • Apple push notification service
  • Utilizing Semantic Colors to support light & dark mode
  • Better acquainted with Code UI creation & Auto-Layout

iOS social application for event posting. User can sig up/in and post and event. Followers can like, comment, share and join the event. Followers can chat with each other. I have used Firebase runtime database to support events system and real time messaging service.


‍Things I learned:
  • MessageUI, ContactsUI, Social, ProfileUI – For Event Posting and
  • Firebase real-time database to store, manage, synchronizing users data
  • Firebase observers for real-time messaging and synchronizing likes and comments
  • MapKit for event location selection
  • Better acquainted with Code UI creation & Auto-Layout

iOS chat application using Firebase with complete sign up/in option. Firebase runtime database being used to support real time messaging service.


‍Things I learned:
  • MessageUI, ContactsUI, Videos Playback, Images Previews – For messaging
  • Login, Sign Up using Firebase
  • Firebase real-time database to store, manage, synchronizing users data
  • UserDefaults to store user settings
  • Better acquainted with Code UI creation & Auto-Layout

Developed an iOS application for the holistic solution for monitoring and controlling all devices inside a home. Application sends and receives data through sockets via WiFi to hardware device.


‍Things I learned:
  • TabsUI, TableUI – For rooms and devices representation
  • Socket programming for sending and receiving data
  • Better acquainted with Storyboarding & Auto-Layout


Built a system that can be used to train junior sportsmen while learning through best of their fields.


A system to detect scoliosis condition of patients. Scoliosis patients can monitor their recovery progress without any harm or side effect.


Detecting person by his/her face and gait using machine learning. I used ML.NET afor training purpose.


Zombie Doom

A virtual reality game for the Samsung GearVR. Players have to shoot zombies with real-world guns to save themselves. There are two modes in the game: Career Mode and Endless. Players must complete missions by killing the doomsday zombie apocalypse horde before their health bar ends to proceed further.


A simple virtual reality Game for both Samsung GearVR and Google Cardboard. Players have to hit moles as they come out of the box.


Centralized Home Automation System (Final Year Project)

Built a holistic solution for monitoring and controlling all devices inside a home using multiple smart boards and a smartphone application. I was responsible for development of the system’s smartphone application.

  • Locking and scheduling of appliances
  • Power consumption and electricity bill forecasting
  • Protection against voltage fluctuations
  • Temperature and motion sensor
  • Integration with smoke detectors and fire alarms
  • Online/offline communication

Online Quiz System

Designed and developed a browser-based system that allows instructors to create, conduct, and evaluate quizzes, thereby streamlining the academic process. As the project's front-end developer, I used HTML, JavaScript and jQuery to build its entire interface. I also worked on the back-end communication, using WAMP to manage the website's database.

Clinic Management System

Created a website to store patients histories, medical tests, and past diagnoses for use by doctors. Patients could also use the system to track their own cases and check doctors' timings and book appointments. I was the project's front-end developer.

Independence Day Quiz: Azadi Special

A general Knowledge quiz application on the Independence day of our beloved country Pakistan. The top ranked players on 14th August got gift hampers from UET Game Studio. Whether you love sports, showbiz, history or politics, this application has questions for all. Keeping the spirit of Azadi alive, all our questions are about Pakistan. The questions range from who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan to which Pakistani cricketer scored a century off 37 deliveries.

Pong Dash: Tap Tap Fun

Pong Dash is the retro form of Ping Pong with exciting colors and graphics. Epic game modes will help you test players' brains throughout the game. Different modes cover every skill level of the players, and the game's speed increases with time. Players can set high scores for each mode to be at the top of the leaderboard.

available on Amazon store

Protect the Candy

A simple 2D tap-to-kill game in which players must help the protagonist (Hansey) defend his granny's candy house from hungry monsters who will stop at nothing when it comes to stealing candy.

Scale Mania

An assistance game for students, who are studying major and minor keys. Students are supposed to eliminating wrong notes before they reache the piano. The game contains all major and minor scales, 25 levels in all.

Get it on Google Play

Disc Flick: Clear the Board

A simple strategy game in which players aim to clear the board in limited moves and time. Swaping a disc between any two disc removes them, but only some disc can move or be removed.

A simple arcade game inspired by minimalist design and elementary physics. Your mission in the game is to use the paddle to keep the balls on the screen. With time, more balls are added to the mix to put you through your paces. The game was built to test players' divided attention to see how well they can multitask. [Code]

A lively children's game intended to teach toddlers the alphabet. Its colourful interface and interactive gameplay ensure kids will have a blast learning their ABC's and their building vocabulary with all the illustrations of real life objects in it. [Code]